Springfest 2023
SpringFest 2023 was a huge successs, thanks to neighbors Ann Marie, Jason, Jarred, Kyla, Zack, and the SHNA Board Members!
In addition to flowers, mulch and landscape cleanup you may have noticed a new picnic bench and flagpole! Last year we hosted several sessions (virtual and in person) where we asked what YOU the residents of South Hills wanted to see at the Circle and throughout the neighborhood for beautification. Some shared they wanted to see more trees, better sidewalks, new crosswalks and better curbs. One of the top items was a flag pole. Over the last 3 years we've lost four flags to windy storms as well as three brackets! Now with the new flag pole (with a solar light) we can be sure that the star spangled banner yet waves! It was also time to replace the upcycled wood picnic table, which sustained wear and tear the last few years.
The new weatherproof and ADA accessible picnic table, is dedicated in memory of a dear neighbor, Kathryn Rieter. Dedication written by a friend and neighbor.
So what's next? While circle beautification and landscaping remains the top priority as the center of our community, we are excited to move forward with some other requested neighborhood place making.
We are working with an artist to custom design ornamental signs that will feature local nature such as squirrels, birds, trees, etc. and the words "South Hills".